The function selectKPlot is used to demonstrate the scatter plot of BIC or Modified BIC vs K for selecting the best K.

selectKPlot(SCobject, K_set = 2:10, criterion = "BIC", c = 1)



is a object generated from SC.MEB function.


is the corresponding K_set used in your previous function SC.MEB.


is a character specifying the criterion for selecting K. The default is BIC, the alternative criterion MBIC can also be used.


is a positive value in modified BIC. The default is 1. Here we briefly explain how to choose the parameter c in the modified BIC. In general, For the ST or Visium dataset, it often ranges from 0.4 to 1 while for the MERFISH dataset with large number of cells, it often becomes larger, for example 10,20. Most importantly, SC-MEB is fast, scaling well in terms of sample size, which allow the user to tune the c based on their prior knowledge about the tissues or cells.


a ggplot2 object.


The function selectKPlot is used to demonstrate the scatter plot of BIC or Modified BIC vs K for selecting the best K.